For the strengthening yoga flow click here: YOUTUBE STRENGTHENING YOGA FLOW
Know your own strength
Back in time when I tried to convince a friend to practice yoga with me in a beautiful studio she said, she does not want to join me as she feels intimidated. Her view was: in yoga studios everyone has amazing body, stunning yoga clothes, everyone is self confident, levitating at least 5 cm above the floor, talks about green smoothies or the latest yoga retreat they attended.
I admit there was time when I felt the same. It is very easy to look around, compare ourselves with others and realise: there is ALWAYS someone more beautiful, taller, shorter, smaller, bigger, younger, older, richer, poorer… than me.
Not in yoga studios only by the way.
Do you want to live a desperate life? I can give you the best recipe: ALWAYS compare yourself, keep your focus on what you do not have. It “helps” you to feel you are the faultiest, weakest, less appealing human being on this planet.
Teaching yoga, working with people changed my life in many senses. I started realising there is ALWAYS a reason people attending in yoga classes. At the beginning – as said – is mostly the physical element – we have pains here or there. But slowly we are shifting from the physical to another level. Slowly most of us realises our body is just a vehicle, a mirror. It shows us what is inside.
We are all here to learn something. We have this body, this life as a tool to be able to learn our lessons. There is NOONE without things to learn. Which means we all – all living creatures – has struggles. We are all searching for solutions, balance, less pain. Some of us in a yoga studio. Even the most fancy looking ones, the ones with the most self-confident vibe.
I was teaching the wealthiest area of London. Beautifully carved noses, boobs, faces all around. But the energy in the room was heavy. Sadness, self doubt, exhausted spirits and hearts have been hiding behind these beautifully painted masks. That was the moment I started to feel more compassion towards people. Mainly towards the ones challenged me in any way. My experience is: the meanest ones had the biggest pain within.
How many times I heard praising nature: “What a beautiful flower! What a mesmerising hill! What an amazing tree!” Yes, creatures of nature are wonderful things. But do not forget we are all creations of nature as well. As a leaf, a flower, a bird is perfect, you are perfect. It is sort of funny to think when mother nature created US, it made a mistake. Don’t let your own power get depleted because of your fears, comparison, limiting beliefs. ALWAYS remember: you have your inner strength. YOU ARE STRONG. YOU ARE PERFECT. YOU ARE ENOUGH. Just as a flower, a leaf. Just as you are.
(Elore is elnezest, a magyar valtozat meg mindig csupan ekezetek nelkul olvashato.)
Erosebb vagy, mint gondolod!
Felvetettem egyszer egy ismerosomnek, jojjon el velem joga orara az egyik legszebb, legkonfortosabb joga studioba. Nem jott, mert mint mondta, ezeken a helyeken teljesen ufonak erzi magat – mert ott mindenkinek gazella teste van, a legmenobb joganacikban feszitenek, magabiztosan vonulnak vegig a studion, mit vonulnak?!, 5 centivel a fold folott lebegve kozlekednek zold smoothie-rol es a legutobbi varazslatos joga retreatrol tarsalogva.
Bevallom, volt ido, mikor engem is zavarba ejtett ha joga studio kozelebe keveredtem. Mert ha korbeneztem MINDIG volt/van szebb, jobb, okosabb, magasabb, alacsonyabb, fiatalabb, oregebb… mint en.
Jegyzem meg, nem csak a joga studiokban.
Akarod tudni egy elkeseredett elet receptjet? Egyszeru: MINDIG nezz korul es hasonlitsd magad masokhoz. Koncentralj szigoruan arra, amid nincs. Garantaltan az univerzum legertektelenebb, legtokeletlenebb, legvacakabb letezojenek fogod erezni magad!
A jogatanarsag korulbelul fenekestul forgatta fel az eletem. Peldaul rajottem, hogy MINDIG van oka, ha valaki jogazni kezd. Igen, eleinte foleg a fizikalis nyugok – itt faj, ott faj. Aztan valami valtozni kezd, es a fizikalis sikrol eszrevetlen attranszportalodunk egy masik szinterre. Hol azt latjuk, a test csak egy eszkoz, egy tukor. Ami arrol arulkodik, arrol mesel, ami bent van.
Hiszem, hogy mind tanulni erkeztunk ebbe az eletbe. A testunk, az eletunk ezen tanulnivalok elsajatitasanak eszkoze, terepe csupan. NINCS EMBER, akinek ne lenne tanulnivaloja. Ami azt is jelenti, mindannyian kuzdunk mindenfele kevesbe kedves demonokkal. Mind megoldasokat keresunk, egyensulyt, kevesebb kinlodast, kuzdelmet. A legmagabiztosabbnak, a leg ’en vagyok a vilag ura’-nak tunok is.
Volt, hogy London egyik legtehetosebb negyedeben tartottam orakat. Magazinba illo orrok, mellek, arcok amerre a szem ellatott. De valami nehez, szomoru energia lengte be a termet. Onmaguk ertekeben ketkedo, faradt lelkek es szivek rejtoztek a tokeletesen konstrualt alarcok mogott. Ez a tapasztalat segitett abban, hogy osszehasonlitas es itelkezes helyett reszvettel tudjak fordulni masok fele. Kulonos tekintettel a nehezebb esetekre. Sokszor a legelviselhetetlenebb embereknek faj leginkabb valami ott bent.
Millioszor hallom, hogy “O, ez a virag milyen gyonyoru! Ez a hegyseg lenyugozo! Ez a fa maga a tokely!” Es valoban, a termeszet teremtmenyei tokeletesek. De ne feledjuk, MI MIND a termeszet reszei vagyunk. Es ahogy egy level, egy virag, egy madar tokeletes, mi emberek is tokeletesek vagyunk. Te is kedves olvaso. Ugy ahogy vagy. Ha jobban meggondolom, tulajdonkeppen van valami vicces abban, mikor azt gondoljuk, a termeszet pont a mi megalkotasunkkor tevedett. A felelem, az osszehasonlitas, a korlatozo hiedelmek rossz szellemkent kuporogva utaznak vallainkon, elgyengitve, elhomalyositva azt a vegtelen erot, ami eredendoen ott van mindannyiunkban.
Allj meg neha (ha kihivasra vagysz, menj el egy joga orara egy zavarba ejto joga studioba) es halld meg a hangot, ami ott bent folyton sugja, emlekeztetve: EROS VAGY. TOKELETES. ELEG. Epp mint egy virag, egy level. Epp mint ahogy vagy.