Tag Archives: mountain pose

… just like a mountain


For the video about TADASANA visit my YOUTUBE channel.


EXTRA mountain meditation by me: https://soundcloud.com/user-328915739/mm071117

…just like a mountain

I’m sitting in the middle of the jungle. My laptop is on my lap. No, I do not feel I do something blasphemic. I’m in peace with the fact I can do differently. I am balanced.

Blissful state.

Mountains standing around me.  They are just standing unwaveringly. I look up to them. I admire them. I know they have their own secrets, own view, knowledge of life. No tension around. I feel like a little girl sitting next to the ankle of her grandparent listening his/her words. Sometimes only couple of dried words falling front of me. Other times the words like rivers running out of the mouth.

Their ‘face’ looks different every day. On rainy days I can not even see the top of them. The comfort of the cloud-made pillows just slowly melting away. Other days one of its side is hiding in shadows letting the other side to shine. There is no competition. No winner or loser. Sunbeam or cloud fluff drawing the erratic silhouette.

I WANT to upload my video onto YOUTUBE.  I’m squatting at the feet of the hills, more and more frustrated because of the electricity shortage of the last three days. No internet of course. After three days I give up. Gazing the hills with no life in my eyes. And I slowly realise: my WILL is nothing here. It will always bounce back even I exhaust myself to death. Here the NO means NO. I have only one chance: to bow my head, to accept, and let myself to melt into the rhythm of the HERE, the rhythm of THEIRS. My only chance to be like the mountains: to exist as I am and whatever happens around me just respect it, welcome it, and let it go. As mountains need clouds, water, sunshine we need all the experiences in our life. It makes as the person who we are now.  I have only one thing to do: being open, and to trust that all will happen in its own time.

There is no secret.  But inner-peace is here. Balance. I am grounded, routed, strong.


(A magyar valtozat meg mindig csupan ekezetek nelkul olvashato.)


…mint a hegyek

Ulok a dzsungel kozepen, olemben a laptop. Nem, nem erzem szentsegtoresnek. Bekeben vagyok a tennyel, hogy csinalhatnam mashogy is. De jol van igy. Egyensuly van.

Aldott allapot.

Korottem hegyek. Allnak renduletlenul. Felnezek rajuk. Tisztelem oket. Erzem a titkuk, a bolcsesseguk. Nem erzek feszulest. Nyugalom van, beke. Mintha egyik nagyszulom bokaja melle kuporodnek. Hallgatom a megelt elet erlelte szavakat. Neha csak par tomor mondat. Maskor folynak a szavak az elmerengo tekintet atrajzolta arc szajabol.

Minden nap masok. Esos napokon nem is latni a csucsukat. Felhokbe csavarodnak. Van, hogy az egyik oldalt arnyek rejti. Nincs lazongas. Nap vagy kod rajzolja a hullamzo sziluetteket.

Fel akarom tolteni a videom a YOUtube-re. Ulok a helgyek toveben, egyre frusztraltabban, hogy napok ota nincs aram, nincs internet. Harmadnap feladom. Uveges szemekkel nezem fennseges lenyuket, es lassan rajovok, az en kis akarasom itt visszapattan. Itt a nincs az nincs. Itt egy eselyem van: ha fejet hajtok, ha elfogadok, ha beleengedem magam az elet ritmusaba, az ITTENI ritmusaba, az O ritmusukba. Ha olyan leszek, mint ok, a hegyek: letezem a magam valojaban, es barmi tortenik korottem, csak ugy tekintem mind, mint mulo felhot, mint taplalo vizet, mint eletet ado napfenyt. Mindre szukseg van egy kiegyensulyozott elethez. Mind egyutt erlelt azza a szemellye, aki most vagyok. Nekem egy dolgom van csupan: befogadni, es bizni, hogy minden a maga idejeben erkezik.

Nincs titok. Belso beke van. Egyensuly.