Back to basics – Ujjayi pranayama

Ujjayi pranayamaFor step by step instructions of Ujjayi pranayama visit my YOUTUBE channel.


Ujjayi Pranayama


I remember when I started to attend in yoga classes, the teacher always said: “BREATH. Loooong inhale, loooong exhale.” I was a good girl – I had loooong inhale and exhale. The result: I felt always dizzy. I thought the fault is in me so did not ask is it right or wrong how I feel. I suffered silently.

Later I learned yoga is not equal postures/asanas only but all sorts of breathing techniques are part of the whole picture. When I was introduced to a breathing technique (pranayama) called UJJAYI or OCEAN or VICTORIOUS breath, that changed everything for me. The instruction: “Take a loooong breath” started to make sense. And I felt never dizzy any more. I LOVE/D this technique, the effect of it so much I started to incorporate it into my everyday life. I became an ujjayi breather. :o)

Short breath creates anxiety. Anxiety shortens the breath. If your “factory setting” is like mine: tend to be anxious, Ujjayi helps to break this vicious cycle.

How it works?

(You can watch the video on YOUTUBE where I do explain the technique.)

We all were drinking from a glass or through a straw. In the first case the liquid goes fast into your mouth. In the second case you can drink for longer time as on a smaller hole in the same time less liquid able to goes through. This is the basic idea behind Ujjayi. Have a bit smaller gap in your throat as you are breathing in and out.  Slower, longer breath create peace, softness in body and mind.

10 benefits of Ujjayi pranayama

  1. as it relaxes the stress, the tension in the body, it helps to get less prone to injuries
  2. as the breath gets longer, the lung expands further which increases circulation
  3. increased circulation helps to release more toxins
  4. more released toxins increase immune system
  5. the increased circulation makes the breath mildly heating
  6. it creates sense of calm and relaxation in the mind and body
  7. helps to sleep better
  8. helps to overcome fatigue, stress, and negativity
  9. as it is calming the nervous system almost immediately use it when you’re feeling agitated, anxious, or nervous
  10. mental clarity and focus increases

DURING YOUR YOGA PRACTICE – maintaining the Ujjayi breath throughout your practice allows the flow between the yoga poses being more effortless. As stability is enhanced, it is possible to hold postures for longer periods of time. You will be able to remain more centered, grounded and embodied.

Use this breath to understand when you need to surrender. The breath should be always smooth and even. If you lost these qualities, time to step back, to rest, to release. Be honest with yourself. It is your practice. It is your life.


(A magyar valtozat meg mindig csupan ekezetek nelkul olvashato.)


Ujjayi legzes

Az elso joga oraimbol arra emlekszem, hogy a tanar folyton ismetelgeti: “LELEGEZZ! Hoooosszu belegzes, hoooosszu kilegzes!” Nem lazadoztam sokat. Lelegeztem becsuletesen es vegigszedultem az orakat. Gondoltam, valami bennem biztos mashogy van beallitva. Eszembe se jutott rakerdezni, normalis-e az, amit tapasztalok. Szorgosan szedelegtem.

Kesobb, mikor mar ertettem, hogy a joga nem csupan pozok egymasutanjat jelenti, hanem kulonbozo legzestechnikak (pranayama) is szinesitik a kepet, es megtanultam az Ujjayi (vagy ocean) legzest, ez mindent megvaltoztatott.

Az instrukcionak, hogy “Vegyel egy meeeeeeeely, hosszuuuuu lelegzetet”, vegre lett ertelme, vegre nem ugy forditottam magamban, hogy na ujabb szedelgos percek kovetkeznek. Annyira megszerettem a technikat, annak hatasat, hogy beemeltem a midennapi eletembe. Amolyan ‘ujjayi junkie’ lettem. :o)

A rovid lelegzetvetel aggodalmaskodasra tesz hajlamossa. Aki szorong, annak tobbnyire rovid a lelegzete. Ha a “gyari alapbeallitas”-od kedves olvaso az enyemhez hasonloan ez iranyba tendal, van egy jo hirem: az ujjajyi legzestechnika segit kiszallni az ordogi korbol.

Hogy is mukodik?

(E YOUTUBE videoban lepesrol lepesre vezetlek vegig a technikan – egyelore csak angolul.)

Talan neked is megvan az elmeny, milyen poharbol, illetve szivoszalon at inni valamit. Az elso esetben a folyadek gyorsabban jut be a szajba, gyorsabban nyeljuk le. A masodik esetben hosszabb ideig tart meginni ugyanazt a folyadekmennyiseget, mivel a szivoszal kisebb nyilasan tobb ido atjutni. Ez az Ujjayi technika logikaja. A belelegzett levegonek egy beszukitett legresen kell athaladnia, ami lelassitja a levego tudobe valo eljutasat, ezzel hosszabb legzest eredmenyezve. A hosszabb, lassabb legzes hozadeka egy bekesebb, ellazultabb test es elme.

Az Ujjayi legzes 10 pozitiv hatasa

  1. mivel segit oldani a stresszt es a feszultseget, a test kevesbe lesz hajlamos serulesekre
  2. ahogy a legzes hossza no, a tudo aktivabb mukodese serkenti a keringest
  3. a gyorsabb keringes segiti a mereganyagok gyorsabb tavozasat a testbol
  4. a kevesebb mereganyag jelenlete erosebb immunrendszert eredmenyez
  5. a gyorsabb keringes miatt e legzestechnika kozepesen melegito hatasu
  6. segit beket es nyugalmat talalni a testben es az elmeben
  7. segiti a kielegito alvast
  8. faradtsag, stressz, negativ gondolatok eseten kituno segitseg
  9. mivel szinte azonal erezheto az idegrendszerre gyakorolt nyugtato hatasa, hasznald ha zaklatottnak, szorongonak vagy idegesnek erzed magad
  10. segit tisztan latni es koncentralni

JOGA GYAKORLASA KOZBEN – a joga pozok gyakorlasa kozben fenntartott Ujjayi legzes segiti, hogy a gyakorlas konnyedebb, aramlobb legyen.  Mivel mentalisan stabilabbnak erzi magat a gyakorlo, kevesbe tunik megterhelonek a hosszabban kitartott pozokban maradni.

A legzestechnika legfontoabb tanitasa: ha a lelegzet nem hosszu es nyugodt tobbe, az annyit jelent, faradt a tested, az elmed, ideje pihenni, pozt valtani. Ne feledd, magadnak gyakorolsz, nem masnak. A te eleted magadnak eled, nem masnak. Legy oszinte magadhoz. Tudd mikor kell szunetet tartani, megpihenni.